FBX Exporter Command Line for Autodesk Navisworks

About the Product

Create an FBX file of your design in a moment and share with anyone in one go. It will translate designs to FBX file that can be viewed using the free application 'Autodesk® FBX® Review' and other such platforms which support FBX, like Unity 3D, Autodesk® Maya®, Autodesk® 3ds Max® etc..

Autodesk Navisworks 3D model can be distributed to a third party without the need to have Autodesk Navisworks in their system.


Please follow following steps to use Navisworks Fbx command line:-
1) Please download “Navisworks_FBX_Command.exe”.
2) Install the plugin exe - 'Navisworks_FBX_Command.exe'
    The plugin will be installed to the location -
    For navisworks version 2021 -
    There is a exe 'CommandNWFBXEXE2021.exe' at the path -
    For navisworks another version there are similar folders inside ‘Contents’

    How to Use :-
    Open cmd (Run as admin) type below command -
    Command -
    exe_path -INPUT "Input_File_Path" -OUTPUT "Output_File_Path" -SELECTIONSET true
   -NWCLOSE true

    Example -
    CommandNWFBXEXE2021.exe -INPUT "E:\Program Files\Autodesk\Navisworks Manage
    2020\Samples\gatehouse\gatehouse_pub.nwd" -OUTPUT "F:\TestExport\testcommand.fbx"


1. Generate FBX file format (.FBX)
2. Fast fbx conversion process
3. Share design without needing any special software to view it
4. Small file size
5. Control quality and size while converting to FBX file
6. Choice of writing Normal in FBX
7. Colors and material (texture not supported in current version)
8. Control to choose scale unit (MM, CM, Feet, Meter etc.) of FBX file
9. APIs to call from other program/application

Setting Options

Version 1.0

End user license agreement

Terms and Condition

1. License key will be sent immediately after payment
2. Add this license key in Help dialog and activate the plugin.

More Details